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Home Share Your MAGIC: We Are In This Together

Share Your MAGIC: We Are In This Together

Share Your MAGIC: We Are In This Together This is our new reality. The word has changed so much over the last few weeks with the outbreak of coronavirus, in a way we could never have imagined. No family dinners, no parties with friends, no travelling, no visits to grandparents, this is hard for all of us! But now we are also aware that taking these measures is a small part that we can play in this much bigger crisis. Our the health professionals all over the world are working endless hours to help improve the situation, and we can help them by staying home, so that we can control the spread of the virus and not overwhelm the hospitals more than they already are. 

At MAGIC Bodyfashion, we wanted to start a positive movement called "Share Your MAGIC". So first thing, we asked our team, our national and international partners and distributors and our brand ambassadors to share a positive message along with their photo, each carrying a word, a piece of puzzle. As a result, we have this beautiful picture collage with an even beautiful message! 

Read the positive and heartwarming messages below:

Josh & Candice (Marketing Manager and Advisor, Ohio, US)
We are generally optimistic people and during these troubling times we have kept the same attitude. We take the situation for what it is, and make the best of it by focusing on what is good in the world and around us. Some things we've been doing include home improvements, cooking and baking, and preparing for our first baby to be born very soon. As we enjoy being isolated together in our home, our thoughts go out to the rest of the world. 

Dimitri (PDL Distributors, South Africa)
Heading into our lockdown I felt quite nervous about the thought of staying at home and not being able to move around freely.  On the other hand it was a consoling thought knowing that I would have quality time with my wife and kids, something that is usually a luxury. 
To remain positive each day, I set up a good routine:
- Waking up and dressing as if I am going somewhere casual
- Cleaning as if I am expecting guests
- Eating meals by certain times as if I am due to be somewhere
- Putting in enough work to feel like I have achieved for the day
- Maintaining a daily exercise routine (even though it is within the confines of our property due to the strict lockdown rules)
- Most importantly, dedicating time to my family and doing things that our busy lives would ordinarily not allow time for.
So for me PURPOSE for every hour of the day is the key to remaining positive.

Tim (Warehouse Manager, The Netherlands)
In this time we have to take distance from each other, but also in this time our love and spirit is stronger than ever! Together we are strong, together we'll fight and together we'll overcome!

Maria (Brand Ambassador, Germany)
Use this time to connect to your inner self, to take care of your body and mind. Mediate, squat, eat healthy, love and Hakuna matata 🤗

Janine (Team Leader Benelux Sales, The Netherlands)
How nice it would be at this time, now that we all work from home to turn our feelings and thoughts off.
Just to let go of everything and not think about all the misery.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Therefore, try to stay positive and laugh every day, you are stronger when you stay positive.
Every day I start making my bed, that is how I have already completed a task and that gives me energy.
I am grateful for everything I have .
I am enthusiastic about life, healthy and full of energy.
Every day I have the feeling that it is MAGIC.

Esther (Intern Sales Analysis, The Netherlands)
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.  During these strange weeks I like to still enjoy the company of my friends, but this time online. You can find many fun quizzes and other online initiatives to meet up with your friends or family online in the evenings and weekends. It is also great to watch a good movie on Netflix when you are alone, but try to avoid sitting still all day long, mix it up with doing a workout at home or take some extra time to cook a great dinner. Good luck to you all, have fun and stay safe!

Yi (Intern Product Management, China)
Even if now it is a difficult time for everyone to just stay at home, it’s also a nice time to do some amazing things. At this moment, you can call your friends who haven’t been in touch for a long time because of your busy work; or you can read a book you always wanted to read but no time; and you also could stay up late to talk from the bottom of your heart to your family… Always keep happy, don’t be afraid, we are all together. ❤

Femke (Administrative Assistant, The Netherlands)
I was in the supermarket a couple of days ago, and it was busy. As I was making my way outside some people tried to get in and it was obvious we couldn’t maintain our 1,5 meters distance. So we awkwardly all stood there in the entrance of the supermarket, contemplating on what to do next. In this moment we all just smiled at each other.. in agreement of this weird situation. In that moment I realized that we are all in this together. We are all going through something we have never had to go through before. So in these weird times of social distance, we can still smile! Let your fellow human know he or she is not alone. We will get through this together!

Rishma (Online Marketing Intern, Nepal)
It is a difficult time for all of us! Not being able to see family and friends might be the hardest of all. But this too will pass, and once again, we will be able to hug those close to our hearts! Until then, let’s stay in and look at the world from our windows. Let’s heal inside while our planet heals outside. Let’s take this moment to slow down, read, learn a new skill and most importantly take care of our health, both mental and physical. Let’s stay connected by staying apart, and that is how we will flatten the curve!

This is a beautiful example of how at this moment, we are separated by borders, we are isolated in our homes with the least human contact, but we are united by mutual feelings of hope, positivity and togetherness. We are proud of this Share Your MAGIC movement, and by sharing this movement with a hashtag #shareyourmagic, we are spreading the word to the world encouraging everyone to share their magic, to make these hard times a little less hard and a little more magical! 
  Rishma     07-04-2020 16:00     Comments ( 0 )
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