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Home Coffee with Linda - A mug from Ohio

Coffee with Linda - A mug from Ohio

Coffee with Linda - A mug from Ohio For Linda (CEO of MAGIC Bodyfashion), traveling is a huge part of her work. She´s been all over the world for her business trips! In our blog section Coffee with Linda, Linda brings a mug with her from one of her trips as a gift for one of her co-workers, and talks about a special memory she has from them.

This time she brought a mug for María and she explains why: 
Bringing a mug from Ohio (US), this one had to be with María, our Online Specialist.
María joined our team half a year ago as a bright lady coming from Spain and bringing new talent to our MAGIC team.
She works hand-in-hand with Josh, our Online Specialist in the USA, bringing a lot of energy to our company.
María is not only talented but also a very nice person to work with.
The online department is a new department within our company, that is being set up by María.
We love the output she is bringing and also the way she works with our product & media team.
María, we admire how you make yourself feel at home at MAGIC Bodyfashion and have this great attitude to adapt to this new environment.
We also love the way you pick-up on the Dutch language.
Thanks for being here and for the great specialism you bring to our company!
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    21-08-2019 12:03     Comments ( 0 )
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